Monday, April 16, 2012

All piled up

Knowing that I have a limited number of FQ for N's quilt made finding a pattern a lot easier. Since I'm pretty new to quilting I'm starting out small and have loved using Elizabeth Hartman's basic book - The Practical Guide to Patchwork for information up to this point. 
I love her pattern for the Kitchen Window quilt. The squares are big enough that you can still see a good amount of the fabric and I like how they are framed to really show it off. It's modern but still looks a little traditional with having square blocks.
Kitchen Window details and what the back should look like

She recommends separating all of the fabric for each block on a card so that it is easy to see and it's all together.  I can't imaging how time consuming cutting is for a larger quilt. This is only going to be a throw size, maybe big enough to go over a twin sized bed (but not actually the size of a twin size sheet). I like the idea of making cards for each block. They will be easier to work now that everything has been separated out so that they can be sewn together without having to look for the needed pieces.

Twelve blocks total - three blocks a day, four rows, should be done by the end of the week. Well that's the goal at least; I am home with N by myself this week so free time is a bit sparse.

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