Some friends had their baby shower this past weekend so I quickly whipped them up something that I thought would be handy for their nursery since N's are proving to be quite useful in hers. There are a few non-handmade presents inside for them as well, but I'm hoping that they like the bucket too. It's the same pattern that I used for the patchwork ones for N's room but a little simpler with just a single panel for the outside.

We also celebrated N's birthday earlier this weekend, although I'm not quite celebrating yet as I have no quilt to show for it yet. Soon birthday girl, soon.
However I did finish another birthday present for N's friend who is also turning one this week. It's another Lotta Jansdotter dress from Simple Sewing for Baby. Overall the dress always comes together pretty quickly. The bias tape trim is a bit of pain, mostly because the curves are so little. I choose to do them in a solid color again because I like how it breaks up the pattern a little bit and adds just a little finishing touch. I also didn't add a pocket to this one. The main print in a Henry Alexander from a couple of years ago.
Oh I like that fabric the dress is made of - it reminds me of olives... and we all know how much I like olives. Seriously though, I think your writing is already developing a strong voice via your blog. I'm enjoying your posts - it makes me feel like we live closer to one another!